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Friday, May 28, 2010

Home Cook Dinner # 3 ^_^

Today is public holiday, but then sadly, hubby's company did not recognize the public holiday. Yea, it's so bad, right? Well, despite that today is public holiday and thought I can sleep in a little longer, reluctantly I still have to wake up at 8am to fetch hubby's brother to the bus terminal as he got a bus to catch to KL.So, after that, went for a quick marketing as later tonight I planned to cook dinner as well as getting some breakfast. Then, when reach home, quickly start to cut all the vegetables and later on getting ready to go out again to visit a friend and her baby. So, I guess today is quite a fruitful day as I utilize today's time fully...but then quite tiring too as was driving here and there. Anyway, here are some pictures to share of the dinner I prepared. *_*


Fei Soo said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeee, i don't like bittergourd >.< anyway u visited SF?

Evie said...

hahaha...i lovvveeeee bittergourd...kakaka...

yup, got went to the confinement centre two weeks back with alice alr..i guess it's two weeks back gua, forgotten alr

Fei Soo said...

So meaning ur this post are 2 weeks back?

Evie said...

which post? the home cook dinner want is posted on the day itself leh..it's May 28 mah. isn't?