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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

After my last updates, nothing much happening already lately, but then today, one of my buddy, whom is also a follower of my blog have asked me to update my blog wor..u know who are you then..lol!!

Before I start the post which goes with my title, please allow me to release the stress and tension I faced with my work.Yesterday was really a bummer. I was assigned quite a big and express case after an early submission of my earlier assigned case. Haiz... x_x So today, after so long time didn't bring work back,(shhhh....actually we are not supposed to bring our work back), but I got no choice as I don't want to be "Office Alone" - Part 2. Hence, got to bring back to work on it in order to meet the due date then. So, there goes my beauty sleep lo...sigh and sigh.

Well, despite that,some exciting and happy moments did happen also during the past weekends. Last Sat, May 8 was my first violin class. Though I was pretty excited and anxious about it, but when the day comes, I felt a bit "kekok" and scared too. Because it's my 1st class leh..and in addition, when I enter the house, I don't really feel comfy at all lo, as compared to my piano teacher house, where it really gives me a feeling like my own home like that..hehe. Hmm...I'm not sure is it because that I'm still new or not la...which I guess so gua. Secondly, I guess it's because of the teacher too gua as the teacher is a FEMALE..wondering why the caps leh? Haha....well, until today, I still quite phobia with female authority due to my past experience. Those who knows what happen to me, I think you know what I'm talking about. It's very hard to get rid of that fear in me still, as it really gave me a great impact of my life.. :( So, hopefully this fear in me will be rooted out soon as time goes by lo. Also, hope that I will be able to cope with all the classes too despite the temporary uncomfy-ness that I have to deal with for my violin class..*praying hard*

As for Sun,May 9, which is also a Mother's Day. Both families celebrated it with just a simple dinner. As you know la, during this day, a lot of eatery places also hiked up their prices with their special arrangement of dinner to accomodate the special occasion. So, to avoid being "vegetable head chopped", both families wise enough to just have a simple dinner together, after all the most important thing is to actually spending time and eating together, agree? *wink wink* Ohhh..wait wait....must be shocking leh and thought two families gathered together and celebrated Mother's Day? Haha....of course my hubby and I did it separately la...in-laws side, we did it on Sat night whereas my side, we did it on Sun night, like that mah can have two different meals as well as to avoid "kekok-ness" also...^_^ Aiyah, we forgot to bring camera out, if not would have pictures to share..pai sei pai sei. Next time then..hehe..

Anyway, though every 2nd Sun of the week in the month of May and June, will be marked in our calendar as Mother's Day and Father's Day, but I think not only that day we need to show our gratitude and love to our moms'and dads',in fact in our everyday life too, we should show our love and gratitude to our parents, for without them, we wouldn't be on this earth today, agree? Ok la..I guess I bla too much liao, need to get back to work already. Till next post, chow!!

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