Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Down again...

After for quite some time didn't go see doc or taking any MCs, today marks the day again. I was having a bad stomach pain after the dinner with my family last Sat night. But I thought, maybe due to eat too much and too full that makes my stomach feeling uncomfortable. Hence,I just ignore the pain and little did I know that the pain actually attacked me whenever after I finishes a meal for the next couple of days. So, I can't withstand any longer, then mah went to consult doc yesterday night. After checking, doc diagnosed me with acute gastritis wor...and prescribe me few medicines..eeee yucks!!! I hate medicine..SOS!! In addition, the doc advised me not to take coffee, tea, spicy and sour food la...which made me stare the doc in shocking manner. Because for those who knows me well, coffee is like my lover like that...every morning before starts work, I need coffee..and then spicy and sour food, I love it too...sigh and sigh....how??!!

Well, anyway, surprisingly this doc whom seldom gave MCs to his patients, suddenly yesterday night asked me whether I need MC for today or not. I told him I'm not sure, but then he said, never mind, I'll issued you the MC then. So, today despite I have a report due today, but I have smsed my team leader for help...sigh... But thank God, am recovering already but still on the medication..somemore the doc prescribe the liquid type medicine...it's like killing me softly with the taste and smell..*sob sob*


Fei Soo said...

See! Told ya to eat dinner or all your meals on regular timing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evie said...

:p :p