Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What a day to find out....haiz..

After work, I finally went to see doc as I've had this pricking stomach pain that makes me feel quite uncomfortable. No..no...it's not gastric, my guess was it must be something wrong in my stomach. I know some of you for sure will be hoping that I would say I'm preggie, right? Ishhh..ishhh..like I say, not so fast la....need some more "me time" la...

So, went to the doc and I told him I've beein coughing hard during the night and hence, having a sleepless night. I've also added to him that during day time, I seldom cough though occasionaly have, but not as worst at during night time. Then,I too told him about the stomach pain I'm experiencing today, and of course the doc will ask me question relating on how la...when it started and bla bla bla. After that, he asked me to turn my back facing him, and he used his stethoscope to listen to my back. He listened not just a while like usual doc does, he listened for quite long time also. Then being me, of course I kin cheong alr lo...questions been spinning inside my head, thinking what's wrong with me? Why the doc instead listening to my heart (where I've told him I cough badly alr mah...prolly need to listen for phelgm or my breathing want mah), instaed of listening to my back and somemore for so long?

Hmmm...later on, after he listened finish alr, he asked me, do I happen to feel that my voice changed lately? I said ya, it's like more coarsely like that. Then he ask, is it like when you got flu like that? I mah say yes lo. Then only he explained to me what actually happened to me. He said actually I've been infected with flu,then I asked him, but there is no "liu pi ti" (in mandarin) also in me, how can it be flu leh? Then only doc explained that it's not actually the usual flu we all experiencing, and don't you worry out there reading this, not bird flu also la(there is a term to the sickness am having now, but forget the scientific name alr la) and say that's why have caused me the cough, the dizziness, the uncomfy stomach and etc. He checked my ears too and told me it's swollen cause I told him that sometimes my ears create the "blurness" like that (it's like when we go to high places, our ears will turn "blur" and we actually have to swallow saliva) So, according to him it's also due to my "flu case", very hard to explain in detail here. So he mah prescribe the necessary medicine in order to discharge all the "stock-up" mucus in my nose wor. The doc said I need to take extra pre-caution and be monitored as things may got worst which can affect my ears cause now they are inflammed already. Before the consultation ended, doc even asked me whether do I need MC or not wor? Ya...shocking leh...actually this doc seldom / very hard issuing MC to his patients but today, he himself asked me..*shocking* I actually want to, but how to when tomorrow I have a report due? *shrugged*

So, today got to force myself to follow all the prescriptions given by the doc and hopefully everything wil turn out fine for me soon. I don't want to be admitted to hospital.. *sob sob*..sigh and sigh.... :(

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