Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Killing many birds with one stone..haha

This is a backdated post..hehe. Must be wondering why the title sounds like that,right? Patience, let me roughly explained. Well, you see last Saturday, one of my dear buddy had organized a pot luck party cum gathering for a pre-baby shower, birthday celebrations as well as gathering.So, the title mah sounded like that lo...one party covering all the occasions..lol!!

However, too bad one couple was not able to make it, in which the party was also meant for them, for their little prince whom will be coming out soon to this world...*sob sob* Though all of us were quite upset, but we still carry on with the party with loads of food, where all of us were stuffed till we even need to ta pao the food back.Apart from us ta pao-ing the food, we also manage to ta pao laksa for our mama-to-be too.

It was a great time partying and catching ups since the last time we gathered. I even got an early surprise birthday cake and present leh...feel so touched and honored..hehe..As for the pictures, will share it out once I have it..so stay in touch for the beautiful pictures taken then.

1 comment:

Suz said...

What a nice description for the event we had last weekend. Hope u dont make use ur present. haha!