Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 26, 2010

My BIG and Special day... ^_^

Today marks the day I step into this world, which like everybody saying is also our mom’s big day too cause she had endured tough times in bringing us to this world. So here’s a toast to my beloved mom…hehehe!!

So, the day started of with birthday song,cake and prezzie by my fellow team mates and colleagues. They bought me Oreo Cheese Cake leh…so you can imagine how happy and frantic I was when I saw the cake…cheese mah. :p I loveeeee cheese…hehe, so I guess that’s how I ended up with my plus size look. x_x" As for the gift, my two close working mates got me a T-shirt..hehe...yay!! can add to my wardrobe collection already.. yippee!!

After that, they brought me to Golden Triangle at QBM for lunch, which serves Thai food. It was my 1st time there and we had ordered quite number of dishes, cause my SA says, since there are 6 of us, so each of us order one dish wor..ended up 6 dishes to finish. The food was really nice, but we too have tough time trying our best to finish most of the food cause we don't want to waste mah. The place also served buffet leh..hmmm... I think if can I would love to try the buffet spread one day..but wondering whether my stomach able to accommodate or not.. *thinking hard* Somemore with my age catching up, my stomach capacity is turning weaker.. :( On the other hand, maybe my hubby will faint too if he ever read this cause he got to fork out $$$ mah…muahahahaha!!! And, when we are on our way back to office, all of us were moaning due to our bloated stomach...can't even sit to work leh..so you imagine la how hard and much we actually stuffed the food into our stomach. *phewwww*

Towards evening, the celebration continues on with my loving hubby lo. Luckily he managed to finish work early leh..if not I will "kill" him, one not able to celebrate my big day and secondly, am stranded in office lo. So we went to QBM again as I told him I longed to eat the "liu sa pao" at Dragon-I. Hence, he took me there, but to my dissapointment, the "pao" finish already. Haiz haiz...so since we've actually placed other orders liao before reaches the "pao" ordering, we mah just continue with the plan lo. Then we were intro by the waitress of ordering whole steam fish when we ordered the steam slice garoupa fillet initially. So, since my hubby knows I love to eat fish a lot, especially steam type, he mah agreed with the waitress order lo. Of course I was very delighted to be pampared by my sweet hubby, but then when pay the bill that time, I got a shock of my life and my heart felt the deepest pain. Wondering why leh..cause hior the whole fish actually cost RM84+ leh...so tell me la, how my heart not ache? Then I told my hubby, I very kek sim lo..cause waste so much money on the fish, but he said aiyah, never mind la...it's my big day and moreover already eaten liao mah...plus it's going to serve as my birthday gift too wor. When the phrase saying 'serve as my birthday gift too', I got feel a bit upset at that moment, cause no more prezzie liao mah. Anyhow, though he's trying to console me, but still my heart aches a lot with the huge amount paid for the fish lo. *sob sob sob*

After that, he wanted to take me to drink coffee at Starbucks or Coffee Bean plus to eat cake cause he knows that I love coffee and cake a lot too. But then I told him no need already as the fish we consumed just now had cost a big hole to his wallet already. However, despite me saying no and him being a loving hubby, he insist on taking me too, so we mah ended up at Austin Chase,which serves coffee, other beverages as well as cake too. We seated there for a while to enjoy our drinks and the cake, but to our dissapointment, the cake wasn't really nice lo. Besides that, we also had several rounds of UNO card game too..hehehehe. Later on, when we reached home, I was shocked when my hubby surprised me again with a birthday gift leh..hehe.. :p He bought me a DKNY apple-licious frangrance, which is one of my favourite perfume. I was really touched by what he have done and prepared for me. In short, this year birthday celebration is really amazing with all the treats and prezzies showering over me. But then one thing I'm upset about....it's my WEIGHT. Gosh, with all the food stuffed into my stomach, I need to DIET already.....start sweating hard already..*worrying face*

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What a bummer x_x

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!Today, marked the 1st time my car being hit..and it's being hit from the back...sigh. What a weekend to start. We were heading to the "chu char" place opposite the ferry station for my hubby's colleague's birthday dinner, where the tragedy happened. I just couldn't understand why lately there are so many brainless, senseless and inconsiderate drivers? The car that hit me was driven by a guy in his mids 30s I guess, together with his family. There was a huge jam during that hour and every car had already slow down, but he, just can't wait and still pressed on the gas pedal..and there goes the big banngggg. Gosh, when that sound strike into my ears, my temperature just exploded.I came out from my car, and I just let it out from my heart by scolding the uncle. I told him, all these while I've taken care of my car well and NEVER it's being hit. And you know what did the uncle answered me? He said, "ya, but what to do, it's an accident". Ya right, if you were to drive more decent and carefully, this accident wouldn't have happened. Sheeesss... I was really really pissed...and I know for those of you reading this and know me of how I treat my own belongings, guess you will know how pissed I was. Though the bumper was not a big damage, but still my heart just felt like it's being stabbed..Sigh and sigh. I don't know how long will it take me to forget about this incident. It really hurts me so deep... sob sob sob......

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Home Cook Dinner # 2 ^_^

Yesterday as usual, a friend of mine came to loan my piano for practice. Initialy thought of asking her to go out for dinner, as I was pretty lazy to cook. But then, mana tahu, came to know that she was sick. Hence, I mah decided to simply cooked simple century egg porridge for dinner instead lo. I also boiled some chrysanthemum tea to relieve our "heaty" bodies as lately the weather was so uncertain and was superbly hot.

Killing many birds with one stone..haha

This is a backdated post..hehe. Must be wondering why the title sounds like that,right? Patience, let me roughly explained. Well, you see last Saturday, one of my dear buddy had organized a pot luck party cum gathering for a pre-baby shower, birthday celebrations as well as gathering.So, the title mah sounded like that lo...one party covering all the occasions..lol!!

However, too bad one couple was not able to make it, in which the party was also meant for them, for their little prince whom will be coming out soon to this world...*sob sob* Though all of us were quite upset, but we still carry on with the party with loads of food, where all of us were stuffed till we even need to ta pao the food back.Apart from us ta pao-ing the food, we also manage to ta pao laksa for our mama-to-be too.

It was a great time partying and catching ups since the last time we gathered. I even got an early surprise birthday cake and present leh...feel so touched and honored..hehe..As for the pictures, will share it out once I have it..so stay in touch for the beautiful pictures taken then.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What a day to find out....haiz..

After work, I finally went to see doc as I've had this pricking stomach pain that makes me feel quite uncomfortable. No..no...it's not gastric, my guess was it must be something wrong in my stomach. I know some of you for sure will be hoping that I would say I'm preggie, right? Ishhh..ishhh..like I say, not so fast la....need some more "me time" la...

So, went to the doc and I told him I've beein coughing hard during the night and hence, having a sleepless night. I've also added to him that during day time, I seldom cough though occasionaly have, but not as worst at during night time. Then,I too told him about the stomach pain I'm experiencing today, and of course the doc will ask me question relating on how la...when it started and bla bla bla. After that, he asked me to turn my back facing him, and he used his stethoscope to listen to my back. He listened not just a while like usual doc does, he listened for quite long time also. Then being me, of course I kin cheong alr lo...questions been spinning inside my head, thinking what's wrong with me? Why the doc instead listening to my heart (where I've told him I cough badly alr mah...prolly need to listen for phelgm or my breathing want mah), instaed of listening to my back and somemore for so long?

Hmmm...later on, after he listened finish alr, he asked me, do I happen to feel that my voice changed lately? I said ya, it's like more coarsely like that. Then he ask, is it like when you got flu like that? I mah say yes lo. Then only he explained to me what actually happened to me. He said actually I've been infected with flu,then I asked him, but there is no "liu pi ti" (in mandarin) also in me, how can it be flu leh? Then only doc explained that it's not actually the usual flu we all experiencing, and don't you worry out there reading this, not bird flu also la(there is a term to the sickness am having now, but forget the scientific name alr la) and say that's why have caused me the cough, the dizziness, the uncomfy stomach and etc. He checked my ears too and told me it's swollen cause I told him that sometimes my ears create the "blurness" like that (it's like when we go to high places, our ears will turn "blur" and we actually have to swallow saliva) So, according to him it's also due to my "flu case", very hard to explain in detail here. So he mah prescribe the necessary medicine in order to discharge all the "stock-up" mucus in my nose wor. The doc said I need to take extra pre-caution and be monitored as things may got worst which can affect my ears cause now they are inflammed already. Before the consultation ended, doc even asked me whether do I need MC or not wor? Ya...shocking leh...actually this doc seldom / very hard issuing MC to his patients but today, he himself asked me..*shocking* I actually want to, but how to when tomorrow I have a report due? *shrugged*

So, today got to force myself to follow all the prescriptions given by the doc and hopefully everything wil turn out fine for me soon. I don't want to be admitted to hospital.. *sob sob*..sigh and sigh.... :(

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's Mooon-day again..

Well, reading the title of the post, guess you will know how I feel huh?! But, it's everybody's blue and boo hoo day also la..I bet. Well,anyway, spent the weekend over at Prai for some reasons as well as to give FIL a pre-birthday celebration lo as the actual day falls on weekday. I just bought a cake for him and only came to know that this year was his 1st time celebrating wor..according to MIL la. :p Besides all that, I admit I kinda upset a bit also lo as I didn't get to go for the Easter celebration mah, which is on Sunday morning.Missed the choir presentation la...and I heard got arrangement of cello playing also,.ish..ish..missed that too.

But then as the consolation prizes to it,I guess I did make my FIL happy gua by having a small birthday celebration with him as well as I manage to go for Good Friday's service lo. In addition to that, a colleague of mine manage to accompany me and we have a great time fellowshipping over our dinner. Though it was raining last Friday, but thank God it wasn't really that heavy, if not guess I wouldn't able to drive to the church already. Well, must be wondering, how's the jam, right? Like you've known, usually raining in Penang, all drivers will tend to be more careful, and hence, all of the drivers mah like turtle crawling, weaving in and out of the traffic lo..not to mention there are some unscrupulous drivers also which got on my nerves too.

Anyway, though it's late already, but it's better than never,right? So, here's wishing all my friends "Happy Belated Easter Day!"