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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Home Cook Dinner # 9 ^_^

Pheeww!!..finally catching up with the time already..lol! Since yesterday already cooked "east meal", so today going to attempt with "west meal".. haha. Today's meal was pretty much easy, nothing much need to be cut..just a few things like sausages (didn't buy bacon), tomatoes, mushrooms and etc. So, the meal for today is Fettucini Carbonara, however, with own creation of carbonara sauce...lol.. It's my 1st attempt to cook such sauce, and I was pretty satisfied with the results... hehehe...

Now, just hopefully hubby won't be complaining or anything.....haha, though I know got to always welcome feedback, if not how can one improve, right? But I guess most of you agree, if the feedback comes from other people's mouth, we feel ok, but if comes from our the other half, we tend to turn deaf ears.. am I right? *grinning*

This is because we will feel that we have gone thru all the troubles and time to prepare a meal, but in return receive all the "complains"?? Mana boleh, right? hahaha...I think I can sense your smile over there... ^_^.

Apart saying all that, we too must try and learn to accept hubby's comment or feedback as well, so we can improve ourselves..as after all, they are the ones to be the 1st batch "white mouse" or rather "guinea pigs" to taste all of our 1st attempt of food preparation.Ahem...great satisfaction right after reading the phrase "white mouse" or "guinea pigs"?? Kakaka... *high five*...Btw, shhh.just between you and me, pls don't let your hubby know about those two phrases.

Alright, I guess enough of my blabbering..here's the picture to share...

Fettucini Carbonara (but with own creation carbonara sauce) :p

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