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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Home Cook Dinner # 6 ^_^

Though tired after a hard day at work, but the feel of having a home cook meal is stirring within me and so does my craving for steamed herbal chicken...lol! Hence, today came back from work, quickly take out the chicken to defrost it as time is running out, and have lots of cutting to do. Well, you see usually when I know I want to cook dinner tomorrow, I would usually do all preparation the day before, but for today it is really impromptu. So, can say time is not on my side today, what more when I have an "orchestra" starting inside my stomach.

So here's a quick and simple whipped up dinner with three dishes. The steamed herbal chicken surprisingly tasted quite good because I didn't taste it before it went for "steam bath"..hence quite shocking for me..But then one thing, after taking the picture, only I realize it needs more color. Hmmm..maybe next time I should garnish it with more colors...Nonetheless,it's still appetizing as hubby finished everything to the last drop of the "chicken essence"

Stir Fried Cabbage Carrot

Fried Onion Eggs

Steamed Herbal Chicken


Suz said...

U should cook everyday and i expect TPK to looks the real TPK..


Evie said...

cook everyday i can die...haha!