Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Decision, decision, decision...

Today, marks 20102010, I actually didn’t realize it till when I start to work on my cases, then only I realize..lol! and today also marks the day I made my decision of accepting the new job role which was offered to me weeks back. (yea, I took weeks to consider and consider…as well as to seek His confirmation too) after all, where am at today, is also all provided and led by Him, The Almighty. So that’s why I really need to know if the door opens is really from Him lo, because if He opens the door, no one can shut it and vice versa and also it will always be the best choice for all of us.

Well, actually before this position was offered to me, long way back, I already have the thought in myself, and asking Him as well, of whether is there any other open position within company which I can change to, (errr..I think way months back liao, yea!! very long indeed,right?). Nothing happened, and suddenly one fine day, my team leader revealed and asked me about this open position, I was indeed really shocked. At the same time, I did feel happy, but also fear and uncertainty was all over me. Hence, I guess that explains why today only I can come to a final decision in accepting the offer as I was seeking confirmation from Him as well as to weigh the pros and cons of both job roles myself lo…(thru interviewing people by asking their views, me asking questions and etc)

So for this finale decision, actually I already told myself on last Mon, that whether by hook or by crook, whether yes or no, I also need to give the management the answer from my end. And to make that as a confirmation from Him, I actually asked for the arrangement that my Manager would come to me personally and asked for my decision of that position…. (lol! lol!) and shockingly, it happened today, and makes it even more memorable and happy for me is today has such a special date. ^_^ Nonetheless, though decision has been made, but I still don’t know how is it going to be, as for this job role, it’s going to be huge change from what am currently doing…the obvious difference is that I would be dealing more with people rather than machines (computers la)…*yikes with a big gulp* So I just hope for the best, and I believe with His guidance, wisdom and strength I will be able to pull through whatever obstacles.. Amen!!

As for yesterday, my morning didn’t really start off well lo. I was literally dragging myself up from bed and to the washroom, and when I opened the tap, *taa-daa* NO water!!! It really pissed me off and at the same time, I was kin-cheong too, as I didn't want to be late for work. Moreover, at that hour, it’s really not so appropriate to call and wake people for favor to go to their place lo. So ended up, I got to use the “miserable” filter water for my wash-ups and whole day, I was not really myself. I was very upset with the management that it happened so frequent, and yet they didn’t really take any rightful actions to solve the matter. Thank God that it wasn’t my “aunty visitation period”, if not, I think I would go bald (cause I will start pulling my hair out of frustration) alr.. (yea, I know a little dramatic here..) but seriously, I was freaking mad. Hence, today, I will go over to the management office to file complaint on such incident as they are open till late at night on every Weds and I really do hope, that they will take the necessary actions to prevent such incident to repeat again. X_X”

1 comment:

Suz said...

Congrats my dear fren. It's another milestone in your career path. Good job!

Anyway - if no water again, u r always welcome to come over ok? No worries about waking me up early coz i'm sure JJ is waking up earlier than u!