Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What a morning!!! x_x

This post was actually supposed to be posted yesterday. But then, I couldn’t as my laptop now is “sick” and will need to wait for my good friend to fix it. He’s currently not in town, hence got to wait till next week then. I was actually hoping so hard yesterday, that when I got back and switched on my laptop, it will resume to its usual process, but still the same problem occurred, which already happened since last Sun night. Sigh, the laptop is like part of my life, but now it’s in “coma” condition while waiting for the IT pediatrician to “cure” it from its diseases. I don’t really know what’s happening to it; even I tried to configure it yesterday with the help from my friend thru phone, but still failed. Haiz..haiz….can’t blame me mah, I’m not an IT expertise. I was indeed so frustrated and upset yesterday when the machine did not work as how I want it to be.

So, after a long and busy weekend, yesterday morning, I was nearly late for work. Guess what time I only woke up? *drums playing* By the time I opened my eyes and looked out of the window, the sky was so bright and it was already 7.30am. Ya….you can imagine how I jumped out from my bed, and did everything so fast till my heart also want to pop out. Oh boy, all this happened was because my cell phone died on me…and the alarm died also lo. ..ishhh!!! Really cilaka hior? But I remembered that one of my friends’s told me that if we off the phone with the alarm set, the alarm will still strike leh, but I guess the alarm won’t strike if the phone was dead due to no battery. I learned my lesson alr that if the battery only left 1 bar, need to charge it already as it won’t last thru the night and of course I don’t want to have another heart attack again though.

So due to time was running out for me yesterday morning, I didn’t even have the time to put on moisturizer and lotions…..just only manage to grab toner and pat it on my face…then off I rushed out from the house, without even have the chance to heat up my car too. I pressed hard on the gas pedal and drove as fast as possible. But then, when reached the main road, from far I saw something white small crippling on the floor, then I quickly pressed on the brake pedal so hard, and to my shocking surprise, it was actually a small kitten. It was actually crippled alr, I wasn’t able to stop my car to help the poor kitten as there were cars coming from behind, hence the only thing I manage to do is just to drive slowly and go over it. Ohhh no no…I didn’t squash the kitten, it was under my car. My heart was so sour and aching after I passed the kitten, as I wasn’t able to help the poor chap, but I was hoping that there will be kind souls to help him. Then later after work, as I was driving back, was hoping not to see a big splat on the road where the incident happened, and indeed there were none. But, still I didn’t really feel at peace, so waited for hubby to come back from work yesterday and asked him whether he saw any kitten on the road while he was driving to work in the morning, and I was very much relieved when he said none. So I guess the poor chap got saved by kind souls then. By the way, luckily yesterday morning, the jam wasn’t so bad, quite smooth and I managed to reach office in time…phheewww!! Thank God!!


Fei Soo said...

Superb. Woke up 730 and still managed to reach office by 8. Salute.

As for the phone, you need to set whether you want the alarm to ring when the phone is off. Pls check.

Then what happen to your lappie?

Evie said...

Haha..if not how? But I was superbly rushing like nobody business...couldn't really feel my heart beat at that time. Pheeww!!

I already set the alarm, but the phone died on me..and same goes with the alarm. I think by shutting down the phone manually will only enable the alarm strike if got set,whereas if phone died due to no batt, then the alarm will died too..haiz haiz..

My lappie...sigh. Don't know what really happened to it...

Fei Soo said...

ask TPK sponsor a new phone & a new lappie!