Oh mine, how time flies. It’s already 2012 and I bet most of us must be wondering, what have I done / accomplished for the past? Hmmm….to be frank, I really don’t know what I have actually accomplished or were any of my dreams fulfilled either.
Anyway, for this year, it’s going to be quite a challenging year for me I guess. Ohh no no, I didn’t get new door; apparently I’m still stuck with my old door. Haiz haiz…wondering if would I be able to come out from it one day? Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I hate my job, but I’m just getting sick with the people in it. Just feel very demotivated every day whenever I have to come to work.
I was actually prompted by a friend to help in teaching at his tuition centre since last year. But I keep procrastinated my answer to him, till the last week of Dec 2011, he asked for my thoughts on it again. Eventually I agreed to him, and last Monday, was my first experience. Oh boy….I was rather nervous as I never experienced in teaching before, especially in a class of pupils. Yea, can imagine what’s the rate of my heartbeat at that point. But I really thank God for His grace and wisdom that I managed to pull through 3 hours of teaching and also for the obedience of the students as well. I sincerely hope they would be able to understand what I had delivered to them. Phewww!
So this year, my time is really to the max. I have to prepare teaching materials, juggling with my own music classes and exams ,and somewhere in the corner of my mind, was even thinking of pursuing my studies. Yikess….really too much of me in having all that guts to swallow everything and trying to become superwoman?
Despite all the juggles / exhaustion I have to endure, I really appreciate my friend for giving me the opportunity to teach. As who knows, that will be my next door? : ) I do wish someday that I will be out from the corporate world, and just need to work from home by teaching music. *continue dreaming*
Okie dokie, guess that’s about it for the start of 2012. My brain is too baffled still with all the “occupied-ness”. Hopefully I will still have time to update it from time to time. Before I end, would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy Chinese New Year and may this year brings all of you abundance of good health, joy, wealth and luck. For those who are driving back to hometown, do drive safe and have a great time with family members and friends.
Evie's Life Journey
Faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love - Corinthians 13:13
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Home Cook Dinner # 12 ^_^
Today, decided to whip another meal for dinner as there were some extra vegetable and poultry left from last purchase. So,since yesterday, mind already start cracking on what to cook for today's dinner. So just very simple cutting and preparation, here's what we have for today's dinner:

Winter Melon with Dried Shrimp

Sesame Oil Chicken

Winter Melon Soup with Pork Ribs
Winter Melon with Dried Shrimp
Sesame Oil Chicken
Winter Melon Soup with Pork Ribs
Home Cook Dinner,
Home Cook Dinner # 11 ^_^
This is a backdated post….:p
Last July 7, it was a PH in Penang, (observing Anniversary of Declaration of the World Heritage Site) and the best part of it is that our company acknowledged the PH. So since not working, hence tried my best to sleep in, but when the clock stroke at 8am, automatically my body already felt awake. Haiz..haiz… so much of hoping that I could have my beauty sleep.
While lying on bed, I thought of cooking a simple dinner for the day as well as invited hubby’s colleague and his girl-friend (whom stayed next to our block) for dinner. So off I went to the market nearby to our place, and quickly grabbed all the ingredients I needed for the day. Though the market is small, but basically it has all the things that one need for cooking, just that some of the things may be quite costly compared to those hypermarkets, especially poultry. Nonetheless, due to I lazy to drive all the way to the hypermarket, and with the consideration of the gas my car would consumed for driving all the way down to just get the poultry, I just settled everything in the market then.
So, the dishes menu for the day was Curry Chicken, Fried Onion Carrot Eggs, Yau Mak with Mackerel Dace and Assam Prawns while for the rice, I whipped up Nasi Lemak instead. I’m glad that all were edible and they enjoyed it very much. ^_^ But then, at the end of the day, after all the cutting, stirring and washing, both of my hands suffered from mild muscle pain..(guess my age is really catching up already..)
Anyway, here are some pictures to share, but due to all were hungry at that time, had forgotten to take the curry chicken picture, hence have three pictures only.

Assam Prawns

Fried Onion Carrot Eggs

Yau Mak with Mackerel Dace
Last July 7, it was a PH in Penang, (observing Anniversary of Declaration of the World Heritage Site) and the best part of it is that our company acknowledged the PH. So since not working, hence tried my best to sleep in, but when the clock stroke at 8am, automatically my body already felt awake. Haiz..haiz… so much of hoping that I could have my beauty sleep.
While lying on bed, I thought of cooking a simple dinner for the day as well as invited hubby’s colleague and his girl-friend (whom stayed next to our block) for dinner. So off I went to the market nearby to our place, and quickly grabbed all the ingredients I needed for the day. Though the market is small, but basically it has all the things that one need for cooking, just that some of the things may be quite costly compared to those hypermarkets, especially poultry. Nonetheless, due to I lazy to drive all the way to the hypermarket, and with the consideration of the gas my car would consumed for driving all the way down to just get the poultry, I just settled everything in the market then.
So, the dishes menu for the day was Curry Chicken, Fried Onion Carrot Eggs, Yau Mak with Mackerel Dace and Assam Prawns while for the rice, I whipped up Nasi Lemak instead. I’m glad that all were edible and they enjoyed it very much. ^_^ But then, at the end of the day, after all the cutting, stirring and washing, both of my hands suffered from mild muscle pain..(guess my age is really catching up already..)
Anyway, here are some pictures to share, but due to all were hungry at that time, had forgotten to take the curry chicken picture, hence have three pictures only.
Assam Prawns
Fried Onion Carrot Eggs
Yau Mak with Mackerel Dace
Home Cook Dinner,
Monday, July 4, 2011
Home Cook Dinner # 10 ^_^
Sometimes I really wonder, whether does it cost much cheaper to have home cook meal for just two persons or would it be costing more than? And then too much of outside food with all the MSG, it sure won't make us any healthier either. Also, outside food can never be more satisfying than home cook meal as well, right?
The question of the cost seems to be on and off my mind and that is why at times, I really kind of reluctant to cook, one, the cost seems to be more and second, I'm lazy lo. I've asked this question to people around me, some says that it is cheaper, some says it is more costly. So what do you say then?
Nonetheless, at times I really do try to find the time and energy that I have to cook because hubby and I have been eating outside food and the MSG has been conserving inside our body...lol! Hence, if I'm not really tired, I will just try to cook simple dishes. (but I hope I won't be torturing hubby's stomach / ruin hubby's appetite instead - because am not a real good cook ma)
Anyway, since it has been ages from my last whipping, today I've decided to whip out some simple dishes again...yaya, can't blame me as I got to buy, cut, chopped, cooked and lastly CLEAN. You do notice the word CLEAN in CAPS, right? Well, not that I don't like cleanliness, but then cleaning after cooking has always been pretty tiring job.
But then what to do, since I like cooking, so guess I got to complement it with the cleaning since there is nobody I can accountable to. (errr, don't get me wrong, it's not that my hubby can't help, he can help, but then I guess we ladies know that when we asked guys to help, at the end of it, we have to do it again, unless one eye close, the other open - so sometimes, might as well we do it all then, agree?).
So, here are some pictures of tonight's dinner:

Toufu with Shredded Chicken and Shitake Mushroom

Nestum Prawns

Steam Chicken with Ginger Garlic
The question of the cost seems to be on and off my mind and that is why at times, I really kind of reluctant to cook, one, the cost seems to be more and second, I'm lazy lo. I've asked this question to people around me, some says that it is cheaper, some says it is more costly. So what do you say then?
Nonetheless, at times I really do try to find the time and energy that I have to cook because hubby and I have been eating outside food and the MSG has been conserving inside our body...lol! Hence, if I'm not really tired, I will just try to cook simple dishes. (but I hope I won't be torturing hubby's stomach / ruin hubby's appetite instead - because am not a real good cook ma)
Anyway, since it has been ages from my last whipping, today I've decided to whip out some simple dishes again...yaya, can't blame me as I got to buy, cut, chopped, cooked and lastly CLEAN. You do notice the word CLEAN in CAPS, right? Well, not that I don't like cleanliness, but then cleaning after cooking has always been pretty tiring job.
But then what to do, since I like cooking, so guess I got to complement it with the cleaning since there is nobody I can accountable to. (errr, don't get me wrong, it's not that my hubby can't help, he can help, but then I guess we ladies know that when we asked guys to help, at the end of it, we have to do it again, unless one eye close, the other open - so sometimes, might as well we do it all then, agree?).
So, here are some pictures of tonight's dinner:
Toufu with Shredded Chicken and Shitake Mushroom
Nestum Prawns
Steam Chicken with Ginger Garlic
Monday, June 27, 2011
*swooshh swooshhh* all the cobwebs….ahhh—choooo, opps guess too much of dust as well.
Reading the above, know that it has been a while since I last update my blog. Has been pretty lazy bones lately and there is nothing much to update either. I have never cooked for ages already…due to that lately was very tired and lazy as well.
But today, I thought of just expressing what has been happening in my life lately. Things isn’t really smooth for me, there are a lot of hiccups happening in my life. In my work lately, I’m not sure if I’m sensitive, but I just felt something is not very right and it sure does gives me goose-bumps, anxiety, stress and etc. The feeling is kind of tormenting as I feel like I have to always on my best guard in doing my work. What is it that you may ask? I don’t know but I just felt that recently people tried to “bring me down”, especially the people at higher level. They will bombard me with weird, and sometimes stupid questions regarding cases. I’m not sure how to elaborate of how it works / feels, but it just make me feel very uncomfortable and just felt something is not right. On top of that, I have to entertain to some “dependent colleagues”, whom I have to “fish” and “feed” them, instead of teach them how to “fish” and “feed” themselves. It just gets on my nerves every time these happen. I really don’t understand how they work, why can’t they just use their brain to work more sensibly and logically? Why they must always want to rely on people, is it because with that, then they can have the opportunity to pint-point to other people when there is any faulty in future?
Then, about backing-up duties, with roughly four of us in a team, but always ended up backing up people’s a** when one is not around? C’mon am just human, just a normal human being, which I just can’t understand why every time I have to back-up people’s a** when they are not around? Why everything also I must do? Is it really that when one being ignorant / plain busy, he/she need not to do the task anymore? Is it being a leader, you will always have the right to direct people to do the work while you are just responsible for your own duties only and you are not required to back-up / help other people with their tasks? I really don’t understand at all, it does piss me off. It’s not that I can’t do the tasks, but I just want fairness in delegation, but sadly there is nobody in office that I can turn to, and yes including the higher level people. I try to stay positive and do whatever I can, but it seems that I always been taken advantage of, is it that am so easily taken advantage of? And the people here, though you give your all every time for every of your duties, in the end, the recognition won’t come to you, but when there is a fault found, be ready then, as questions will start to shower onto you. Please don’t get me wrong that I love to complain this and that, which I never contended with what I have. And it’s not that I don’t like my job either, but the way the people here work / think, really gives me huge disappointment / discouragement.
On top of my work matters, there has also been some changes in my family. My granny is now staying at a nursing home due to that nobody is available to take care of her. She has slight dementia problem or lapses of memory lost. It really ache my heart when I found out that there is no other way but nursing home. When I went to visit her for the first time after she stayed there, I barely can control my tears, seeing all the old folks there as well as seeing my grandma whom has aged, growing thinner and thinner (though she is eating), can’t remember things (and which is including us), just makes me way beyond to control myself. It’s not really a big matter that she couldn’t remember us, but looking at her condition it really breaks my heart into pieces. I know clearly that in life, death is inevitable; everybody has to go through it. But, still I really find it hard to accept when it involves the people around me, especially the ones that close / dear to me the most. Even today, though my grandpa has passes on for many years, but the memories of me and him still etched so deeply in my heart, that every time when I thought of him, my tears will just roll down. I know I have to be strong and face these situations, but my heart is just very weak…very weak. There are times I do wish that I can take their places, I do wish that I can turn back the clock, but I know all these are impossible. But somehow at the corner of my mind, it will just stay there as “my wish”.
Before I ended, here’s a short poem to our beloved grandpa:
Yeh-yeh, though years has passed,
But the memories of you still deeply etched in our hearts,
Your love, care and concern will forever be with us,
Though you are far apart from us.
Yeh-yeh, we will always love you.
Reading the above, know that it has been a while since I last update my blog. Has been pretty lazy bones lately and there is nothing much to update either. I have never cooked for ages already…due to that lately was very tired and lazy as well.
But today, I thought of just expressing what has been happening in my life lately. Things isn’t really smooth for me, there are a lot of hiccups happening in my life. In my work lately, I’m not sure if I’m sensitive, but I just felt something is not very right and it sure does gives me goose-bumps, anxiety, stress and etc. The feeling is kind of tormenting as I feel like I have to always on my best guard in doing my work. What is it that you may ask? I don’t know but I just felt that recently people tried to “bring me down”, especially the people at higher level. They will bombard me with weird, and sometimes stupid questions regarding cases. I’m not sure how to elaborate of how it works / feels, but it just make me feel very uncomfortable and just felt something is not right. On top of that, I have to entertain to some “dependent colleagues”, whom I have to “fish” and “feed” them, instead of teach them how to “fish” and “feed” themselves. It just gets on my nerves every time these happen. I really don’t understand how they work, why can’t they just use their brain to work more sensibly and logically? Why they must always want to rely on people, is it because with that, then they can have the opportunity to pint-point to other people when there is any faulty in future?
Then, about backing-up duties, with roughly four of us in a team, but always ended up backing up people’s a** when one is not around? C’mon am just human, just a normal human being, which I just can’t understand why every time I have to back-up people’s a** when they are not around? Why everything also I must do? Is it really that when one being ignorant / plain busy, he/she need not to do the task anymore? Is it being a leader, you will always have the right to direct people to do the work while you are just responsible for your own duties only and you are not required to back-up / help other people with their tasks? I really don’t understand at all, it does piss me off. It’s not that I can’t do the tasks, but I just want fairness in delegation, but sadly there is nobody in office that I can turn to, and yes including the higher level people. I try to stay positive and do whatever I can, but it seems that I always been taken advantage of, is it that am so easily taken advantage of? And the people here, though you give your all every time for every of your duties, in the end, the recognition won’t come to you, but when there is a fault found, be ready then, as questions will start to shower onto you. Please don’t get me wrong that I love to complain this and that, which I never contended with what I have. And it’s not that I don’t like my job either, but the way the people here work / think, really gives me huge disappointment / discouragement.
On top of my work matters, there has also been some changes in my family. My granny is now staying at a nursing home due to that nobody is available to take care of her. She has slight dementia problem or lapses of memory lost. It really ache my heart when I found out that there is no other way but nursing home. When I went to visit her for the first time after she stayed there, I barely can control my tears, seeing all the old folks there as well as seeing my grandma whom has aged, growing thinner and thinner (though she is eating), can’t remember things (and which is including us), just makes me way beyond to control myself. It’s not really a big matter that she couldn’t remember us, but looking at her condition it really breaks my heart into pieces. I know clearly that in life, death is inevitable; everybody has to go through it. But, still I really find it hard to accept when it involves the people around me, especially the ones that close / dear to me the most. Even today, though my grandpa has passes on for many years, but the memories of me and him still etched so deeply in my heart, that every time when I thought of him, my tears will just roll down. I know I have to be strong and face these situations, but my heart is just very weak…very weak. There are times I do wish that I can take their places, I do wish that I can turn back the clock, but I know all these are impossible. But somehow at the corner of my mind, it will just stay there as “my wish”.
Before I ended, here’s a short poem to our beloved grandpa:
Yeh-yeh, though years has passed,
But the memories of you still deeply etched in our hearts,
Your love, care and concern will forever be with us,
Though you are far apart from us.
Yeh-yeh, we will always love you.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
HaPPy ChiNeSe NeW YeAr ...... ^_^
Just would like to wish everyone, near or far a very Happy and Blessed Chinese New Year. May this hoppy year brings everyone abundance of joy, luck, prosperity and good health.

Monday, January 31, 2011
1st Anniversry of the day I changed my name...
Time flies really fast...today already marks the 1st anniversary of the day I changed my name. In conjunction to this, we had a night stay at Vistana hotel during the weekend (of course it was free as it was included in the package when we held our wedding function there).Didn't really have a big celebration, but just normal dinner only lo...
However, to my shocking surprise, hubby "kuai kuai shu shu" did something out of my expectation. He lied to me that he had to go down from hotel to get something from a friend...ya a friend that's what he says, and of course left me baffled that what on earth la is he going to get from his fried.
Mana tahu, when he came up and opened the door, his hand was carrying "The Surprise" (as shown in the picture below). My jaw dropped and was speechless when I saw it...because I didn't expect it to happen. ^_^ I was so delighted to see it. Although heart a bit ache that money is wasted, but who can resist the feeling of receiving it, especially girls?? Agree with me? :p
Anyway, today has marked a year of our journey together as one. We hope that God will continue to strengthen our relationship in whatever circumstances with His grace, mercy and wisdom as there's so much more challenges that we have to endure for many years to come.
Blessed 1st Anniversary to our Wedding Day...^o^ *toast toast*
However, to my shocking surprise, hubby "kuai kuai shu shu" did something out of my expectation. He lied to me that he had to go down from hotel to get something from a friend...ya a friend that's what he says, and of course left me baffled that what on earth la is he going to get from his fried.
Mana tahu, when he came up and opened the door, his hand was carrying "The Surprise" (as shown in the picture below). My jaw dropped and was speechless when I saw it...because I didn't expect it to happen. ^_^ I was so delighted to see it. Although heart a bit ache that money is wasted, but who can resist the feeling of receiving it, especially girls?? Agree with me? :p
Anyway, today has marked a year of our journey together as one. We hope that God will continue to strengthen our relationship in whatever circumstances with His grace, mercy and wisdom as there's so much more challenges that we have to endure for many years to come.
Blessed 1st Anniversary to our Wedding Day...^o^ *toast toast*
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