Anyway, it wasn't really a good Monday for me (or should I say, who likes Monday hah?!). Today, can say that I kinda started my new job role "officially" like that though still a lot of guidance and advice needed. I was really overwhelmed with endless emails..requests...which kept on coming into my mailbox like nobody business...*pheww* And then doubts started to weave into my mind, thinking of whether did I make the wrong move in changing? Is this really the direction where God wants me to go? I mean I did asked for His guidance..signs...before I took any step into this new "adventure", but I just don't know why today, I feel so restless, worried, doubtful about where am at now. I'm all still mambo jumbo juggling with all my tasks as well as the systems.Will I be able to go thru this season? God, I need You...need Your grace, strength and wisdom... *shrugg*
So, today came back with mood-less feelings and a hungry stomach, hence simply go to the kitchen and whipped this up for dinner:
Grilled Teriyaki Salmon Steak
^_^ thank you thank you...
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