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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Home Cook Dinner # 12 ^_^

Today, decided to whip another meal for dinner as there were some extra vegetable and poultry left from last purchase. So,since yesterday, mind already start cracking on what to cook for today's dinner. So just very simple cutting and preparation, here's what we have for today's dinner:

Winter Melon with Dried Shrimp

Sesame Oil Chicken

Winter Melon Soup with Pork Ribs

Home Cook Dinner # 11 ^_^

This is a backdated post….:p

Last July 7, it was a PH in Penang, (observing Anniversary of Declaration of the World Heritage Site) and the best part of it is that our company acknowledged the PH. So since not working, hence tried my best to sleep in, but when the clock stroke at 8am, automatically my body already felt awake. Haiz..haiz… so much of hoping that I could have my beauty sleep.

While lying on bed, I thought of cooking a simple dinner for the day as well as invited hubby’s colleague and his girl-friend (whom stayed next to our block) for dinner. So off I went to the market nearby to our place, and quickly grabbed all the ingredients I needed for the day. Though the market is small, but basically it has all the things that one need for cooking, just that some of the things may be quite costly compared to those hypermarkets, especially poultry. Nonetheless, due to I lazy to drive all the way to the hypermarket, and with the consideration of the gas my car would consumed for driving all the way down to just get the poultry, I just settled everything in the market then.

So, the dishes menu for the day was Curry Chicken, Fried Onion Carrot Eggs, Yau Mak with Mackerel Dace and Assam Prawns while for the rice, I whipped up Nasi Lemak instead. I’m glad that all were edible and they enjoyed it very much. ^_^ But then, at the end of the day, after all the cutting, stirring and washing, both of my hands suffered from mild muscle pain..(guess my age is really catching up already..)

Anyway, here are some pictures to share, but due to all were hungry at that time, had forgotten to take the curry chicken picture, hence have three pictures only.

Assam Prawns

Fried Onion Carrot Eggs

Yau Mak with Mackerel Dace

Monday, July 4, 2011

Home Cook Dinner # 10 ^_^

Sometimes I really wonder, whether does it cost much cheaper to have home cook meal for just two persons or would it be costing more than? And then too much of outside food with all the MSG, it sure won't make us any healthier either. Also, outside food can never be more satisfying than home cook meal as well, right?

The question of the cost seems to be on and off my mind and that is why at times, I really kind of reluctant to cook, one, the cost seems to be more and second, I'm lazy lo. I've asked this question to people around me, some says that it is cheaper, some says it is more costly. So what do you say then?

Nonetheless, at times I really do try to find the time and energy that I have to cook because hubby and I have been eating outside food and the MSG has been conserving inside our body...lol! Hence, if I'm not really tired, I will just try to cook simple dishes. (but I hope I won't be torturing hubby's stomach / ruin hubby's appetite instead - because am not a real good cook ma)

Anyway, since it has been ages from my last whipping, today I've decided to whip out some simple dishes again...yaya, can't blame me as I got to buy, cut, chopped, cooked and lastly CLEAN. You do notice the word CLEAN in CAPS, right? Well, not that I don't like cleanliness, but then cleaning after cooking has always been pretty tiring job.

But then what to do, since I like cooking, so guess I got to complement it with the cleaning since there is nobody I can accountable to. (errr, don't get me wrong, it's not that my hubby can't help, he can help, but then I guess we ladies know that when we asked guys to help, at the end of it, we have to do it again, unless one eye close, the other open - so sometimes, might as well we do it all then, agree?).

So, here are some pictures of tonight's dinner:

Toufu with Shredded Chicken and Shitake Mushroom

Nestum Prawns

Steam Chicken with Ginger Garlic